What's wrong with your Mac?

Let us find out for you, at Tec Team we are dedicated have a resident Apple Certified Support Professional at hand to help

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There are many different methods depending of the device, the issue, the formatting etc. It’s our job to find what’s wrong. We offer free diagnostics, we also offer no data no fee (excluding parts). Software data recovery is carried out on site with specialised licensed software. Hardware recovery has 3 levels, specialist licenced hardware assisted software recovery, clean room head adjustment with software recovery and forensic lab based recovery. We provide all these services on site except forensic lab based data recovery.


Why use Tec Team over Apple 

It’s very common for any electronic components to fail, most cases its not the users fault. Mechanical disks use a magnetic disk (see picture above), these are prone to shock, magnetic fields, electrical surges/spikes. They are moving parts and have a limited life span too. Newer technology know as SSD’s or flash storage are less prone to these issues, however they also have their limitations. They can only read and write a number of times and can be prone to corruption, these issues are accelerated if the drive is close to full.

  • Clean Room

    A hard disk should only be opened in a dust free environment, we have an air filtered clean room onsite.

  • NO Guarantees

    We offer no data no fee, however prepare yourself for a negative or partial positive data recovery outcome.

  • I'm in a hurry

    Data recovery can be a slow job, it depends on the condition of the drive but it's not quick to get results.

Common misconceptions with data storage.

External Drives

Less reliable than internal storage, including USB fast storage sticks. These are designed to used for backing up, avoid storing data on these unless it’s a 2nd copy.

Backup Meaning

Having a backup means having at least 2 copies of the same data in at least 2 separate places. Owning a backup drive & storing the originals on it is not a backup.

Are you sure you need data recovery?

It's common for panic to set in when you have a data storage fault.
Check possible locations first.

  • Apple iCloud

  • Dropbox

  • Windows One Drive

  • Google Drive

  • Old computers or drives

How much will it cost?

If successful the cost will be calculated on the size of the data (rather than the time it takes). Price will also indicate the methods used, the licensed and specialised tools we use cost an annual premium, so if they are used we charge more. Prices start from £100

Will I get all my data?

Most of the time data recovery is all or nothing, however sometimes there are portions of data that are not recoverable.

What to expect if data recovery is successful.

A successful data recovery according to Tec Team is when we have over 60% of your data. This data will be presented in one of two ways, as you expect, filed as you filed it - your files in your folders. The second way is a list of folders each with a file type in. This occurs when the disks file system is not recovered.

Your local tec team, we pride ourselves on a fast, effective and economical solution to any IT issues you might have.


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